2015 Minnesota 1000


The Folks Who Put the "Strange" in TeamStrange

TeamStrange has had a long & storied history going back to 1984. During that time many Strangers have worked & played to create fun-filled, riding adventures. Our history and founder's stories can be found here.

Here's the current staff:

Lyle T. Bear

Lyle has served as the President of TeamStrange for over 30 years. He’s as sharp-witted & sharp-tongued as ever. While he has threatened many times to set off for Alaska to get work as a polar bear, he has stuck with us and makes his appearance at events without much complaint. As long as the green M&M’s are removed from the bowl & the Cristal is properly chilled.

Lurleen put her career as night-shift Waffle House waitress on hold when she took over the day-to-day operations of TeamStrange. And while she misses the smell of grease in her hair, she’s never looked back. Working for a stuffed bear - what could be better?
Bart Bakker

Bart ran the Minnesota 1000 for years. He tried to leave but we pulled him back in. He is currently one of the co-rallymasters of Butt Lite, mostly in charge of Western Regional Planning. If there is a long, rut-filled, horrible gravel road, he’ll find it & gleefully make it a big-point bonus.
David E.B. Smith

TeamStrange has always had legal counsel close to the center of operations. Mr. Smith also serves as co-rallymaster for Butt Lite handling technology, scoring and keeping everyone else calm simply by being...
John Pedrow

We could write whatever we want about the #1 TeamStrange Volunteer since he doesn’t have a computer and lives almost totally off the grid. But somehow he always manages to show up at the rallies to make sure the rest of us are doing our jobs.

TeamStrange would be nothing without the hard work & dedication of the rally-masters who keep coming up with great locations and fun times for our riders.
Here are the folks responsible for 2016 events: Butt Lite VIII : Bart Bakker, Lisa Erbes, & David E.B. Smith

Grand Tour of Georgia : David Clark & Kevin Lechner

I-Cycle Derby : Lewis Lakey & Jim Winterer

Minnesota 1000 : Connie & Randy Gabrick

A Strange Election Grand Tour : Jon Johnson

Team Lyle Minnesota : Jim Weatherhead

Team Lyle Nevada : Doug Barrett

Team Lyle New England : Mark Collins

Here are the folks responsible for prior year's events: Greg Anderson, Bart Bakker, Pete and Paula Behm, Ken Bryant, Lisa Erbes, Eddie James, Jon Johnson, Kevin Kocur, Kerry Person, David E. B. Smith, Jim Weatherhead, Adam Wolkoff
Web Master - Kerry Person
Photos by Rick Corwine

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