2024 North Star Rally

2024 North Star Rally

June 7 - 9, 2024

TeamStrange is excited to announce the inaugural, first ever, but not the last, North Star Rally!!

The 2024 North Star Rally will be a 24 hour scavenger hunt style rally held June 7 - 9, 2024. This year all bonus locations will be in Minnesota.

Once again, Motoprimo in Lakeville, MN, will be rally headquarters for the start and finish of the rally.

You are advised to read and be familiar with the TeamStrange Uniform Rules. Also note that some of the more stringent rules apply only to Butt Lite.

Digital cameras will be needed for this rally and, yes, we will keep your memory card after scoring.

There will be three classes this year, including the Eddie James XS400 Memorial Little Bike Class:

This year's North Star Rally will be Canada-free because, well, because Canada isn't in Minnesota.

Check-in will start at 5:30 PM at Motoprimo on Friday, June 7, for the Liar's Banquet. At check-in you'll sign a waiver, and receive your rally swag.

Dinner (BBQ of course!) will be served starting at 6:30 PM. Then at 7:30 we'll have a rider's meeting to go over some of the basic rules and hand out rally packets. Your rally packet will include printed route sheets, your rally flag, and a flash drive containing GPS coordinates in .gdb, .gpx, and .txt formats.

Rally staff will be available at Motoprimo starting at 7:00 AM on Saturday for check-in, recording odometers, and answering any additional questions. We'll have a continental breakfast for you and a few snacks for the road. You will be free to leave at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning. All riders must return by 7:59:59 AM on Sunday morning. NO grace period, period. If you're back at 8:00:00, that's a DNF. Tough luck, Chuck.

Breakfast on Sunday will start at about 8:30 AM. We hope to have scoring completed by 10:00 AM and award trophies by 10:30 AM.

The cost for all this fun and adventure? $125 for single and $175 for two-up.

Your entry fee covers two meals, snacks for the road, awesome rally swag, and some great riding.

Sign up at RideMaster

Registration opens January 3, 2024, and closes May 15, 2024.

Who's IN?

Those interested in volunteering at this year's event can contact Rick at coast.rider@gmail.com.


Rick Corwine, Rallymaster

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