I've Been Everywhere Grand Tour March 1 through October 31, 2014 (GT #2 of 4 Team Strange Memory
Lane GTs.
Stop for a moment and think about it. Who hasn't caught themselves time and again walking, driving, and even riding along humming to themselves this catchy, toe-tapping tune of yesteryear? Well friends, it's time we stop just singing it and start riding it. Here's what the tour involves To successfully complete the Tour, you must visit at least 25 of the 92 places mentioned in the song, which will earn you a Team Strange limited edition 30th Aniversary finisher’s pin, and entry into the Team Strange Memory Lane Prize Pool #1 for a $250 Gift Certificate. Riders obtaining at least 50 of the locations will receive entry into the Team Strange Prize Pool #1 and entry into the Team Strange Memory Lane Prize Pool #2 for a $500 Gift Certificate. Riders obtaining at least 75 of the locations will be included in Prize Pool #1, Prize Pool #2, and entry into the Team Strange Prize Pool #3 for a $750 Gift Certificate. Every rider completing all 92 locations will automatically receive a commemorative plaque, and entry into prize pools #1, #2, & #3. Any excess funds remaining at the end of the tour will be donated in total to Eddie’s Road, a non-profit foundation dedicated to changing the lives of abused kids. HERE'S THE RULES A) Entry fee is $50. ($35 if you already signed up for another $50 Memory Lane GT) You may use more than one bike, including rentals and loaners. If you enter with a passenger, s/he must appear in at least half of your photos. We reserve the right to verify all submissions by whatever means we deem necessary. Your entry includes: Rally Flag and a Special 30th Anniversary Team Strange T-shirt for $50 entries. Discounted entries do not incude a T-shirt. B) Enter anytime. Tour officially begins March 1, 2014. Rider kits will be mailed initially around February 15, and thereafter, whever riders sign up. C) Tour ends October 31, 2014, and all photos must be submitted by November 1, 2014. Every photo submitted must be in a digital format and submitted via e-mail, or by using an online photo sharing tool such a Photo Bucket. No Polaroid, tin etching, printed photo, or other archaic mechanism for sharing an image should appear in our mail boxes. No, we are not going to help you figure out how to participate using digital images nor are we going to walk you through how to use free online photo sharing services. Our elderly parents know how to post photos on the internet. If you do not, consider this learning experience our gift to you. Please ensure you photo is clear. If we can't read it, it doesn't count. All photos submitted are deemed the property of TeamStrange, Inc. and may be used by us as we see fit. Photos will not be returned, but we'll probably post the more creative ones on the web site. D) Proof of your visit must be documented by a photo of your motorcycle with special rally flag clearly visible in photo in front of a city limit sign, post office, or police department ONLY. If using post office or police department, the name of the city MUST be clearly visible in photo. No other proof of visit will be accepted unless clearly expressed in the location guide. E) If the photo doesn't have one of the above, it won't count. Each location name can be claimed once. F) Lost GT flags will not be replaced. OK, they might be if we have any left, but we will be very surly about it. G) This rules page, along with the materials provided in your rider pack, constitute the full set of rules and requirements regarding the IBET Tour. Address rules questions to teamstrange@live.com. H) This is a FUN event. There is no point in cheating. Use the right gear, ride a mechanically safe motorcycle, and only ride when you are well rested. **Special note here** The first town mentioned in the song is Reno. You can go to ANY Reno you choose. Google Maps shows several cities named Reno. So far, we've verified the Reno's in IL, KS, MN, NV, and OH... they're all acceptable...Hoo-boy...Talk about your various routes...Don't delay, enter today... SIGN UP HERE
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