BL5K--July 2, 1999

ButtLite 5000 Intelligence Reports

News and Views from Rallymaster Adam Wolkoff

JULY 2, 1999

Hurry up and wait.

The last few days have seen the BL5K staff work themselves into an ever-increasing lather over the impending festivities here in St. Paul. I've spent so many hours on the phone with Eddie that my ear feels lonely without the reciever next to it. Numerous unnamed last minuted crises have been averted, solved or ignored. Now there's nothing left to do but wait.

Tomorrow brings rider check-in, tech inspection, and the official start of the rally insanity. Tonight, the BL5K staff are under strict instructions to avoid all rally-related activity. Its our last chance to do so for over a week.

As for me, I'm running out of town, to my friends cabin. There's time for a swim, a great BBQ dinner, and play time with Vivian. There's time to see my family one last time before hitting the road. After tonight, we eat, sleep and breath the ButtLite 5000.

Hurry up and wait.

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