ButtLite 5000

SaddleSore 5000 Qualifiers

As previously announced, the 1st place finisher of the ButtLite 5000 would also be permitted to skip the lottery, and proceed directly to the starting line of the 2001 Ironbutt.

Eric Jewell, start saving up that entry fee because you're going to the show. Congrats on a great ride.

We are also pleased to announce that the Iron Butt Association has created a special award, just for BL5K riders. The SaddleSore 5000 will be awarded to all riders who rode 5000 or more miles during the ButtLite 5000.

Following is a list of riders that (unofficially) qualify for the award.

Final determination of a rider's eligibility rests with the IBA.
If you are a ButtLite rider and you feel you qualify for the award, but don't see your name here, don't panic! Drop me a note, we'll figure it out.

Eric Jewell 5419
Gary Parece 5512
Richard Bernecker 5429
Doug Holmes 5160
Allen Dye 5464
Tom Austin 5207
Kerry Church
Rick Snyder 5200
John Edewaard 5052
Nels Gebben 5128
Rick Oswald 5000
Dennis Boyce 5053
Richard Smith 5076
Terry Smith 5037
Mark Kiecker 5196
Brent Bruns 5347
Joseph Ray 5054
Don Sills 5001
Dennis Kesseler 5138
Joe Pasquarello 5000
Mike Phelps 5086

Good Job, Riders!

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