A Strange Election Grand Tour All Politics is Local ... and Long Distance FEBRUARY 28 to SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 Do you love politics and people who talk about politics at work, home and at parties? Neither do we! But Presidential silly season is well underway so we might as well enjoy it as best we can. And the best way TeamStrange knows how to enjoy anything is while riding a motorcycle. The bottom line up front: You can complete this GT locally, long distance, or both. One GT, two options, it is up to you. Read about them at the links below:
ENTRY Entry fee: $40 for one or two-up in the Long Distance and/or Local versions of this GT. You can ride in both versions of the GT if you desire to do so. And you can compete in as many states as you desire in the Local GT version of A Strange Election Grand Tour. Entry includes: Official GT flags and a special edition sticker custom designed for “A Strange Election Grand Tour”. GT flag and sticker mailings will begin around February 28, and thereafter, upon sign up.
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